
CARJ / News

CARJ Mourns Jean Murat, Black Catholic Speaks co-Author

From the Homily at Jean's Funeral on 23rd Jan 2023 In preparing his funerals, I came across, thanks to Barbara, this little book: Black Catholics speak. Jean is one of the authors and he reflects on his experience when he arrived in England and taught in the school. As a...

Secondary Schools Resources Coordinator CAFOD

Short deadline - 9th April 2023 Starting Salary: £42,195 - £43,639 per annum (inc London Weighting) The successful candidate will have experience of work in a Catholic school or youth setting, with secure knowledge of how to engage young people in important issues of faith and social justice. You will...

Governors for Faith Schools

Invitation to an event on Wed 1st March 2023 at 12.30pm Governors for Schools supports schools across England and Wales to run effectively by finding high calibre governors to bring their skills and expertise to the table – and improve education for children. They currently have over 400 foundation vacancies...

A Historical Reflection: Catholic Bishops respond to Macpherson Report

On the 30th Anniversary of the death of Stephen Lawrence we reflect on the guidelines for the Church published by the Catholic Bishop's of England and Wales, in response to the McPherson Report and the Report on the response of Catholic organisations that was produced two years later. See guidelines below....

CARJ celebrates Racial Justice Week

Sunday 5th - Sunday 12th February CARJ is celebrating Racial Justice Week 5-12 February 2023. The week begins with Racial Justice Sunday as celebrated by the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The theme is ‘All are included in the mission of Christ and his Church – let us walk...

Dalit Justice Winter Online Sessions

The Christian Network Against Cast Discrimination (CNACD) holds the above online sessions on the first Saturday of the Month from Dec 2022 – March 2023 at 2pm. The next sessions are 4th Feb on the situation for Dalits globally by Meena Varma, Executive Director IDSN, and 4th March on A...

CARJ Christmas Appeal

Dear Friends of CARJAs Christmas approaches, I’m writing to ask you to consider making a donation to the work of CARJ.During the past year CARJ has been very active,  working to raise awareness of: Recent developments in public policy and how it may affect diversity, equality and community in the...

CARJ Activities in 2022

Report of CARJ Activities 2022 The following are some of the activities organised by CARJ during the calendar year 2022 Schools and Universities During 2022, Helen Kilburn held two sessions of her course ‘Romish Empire’ at Notre Dame University London.  CARJ provided Mentors for students taking the course.CARJ agreed to...