European Action Week Against Racism – European Action Week Against Racism

CARJ / News / European Action Week Against Racism – European Action Week Against Racism


The BREXIT Referendum has highlighted some of the serious divisions in our society.  These divisions are set against the background of continuing turmoil in the middle east and other parts of the world, with many seeking refuge or simply a better life in Europe and the UK.  Here at home the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing, many feel left behind, minorities continue to experience discrimination and disadvantage, and there is a recent spike in hate crime   –  recent research by the TUC found that 1 in 5 ethnic minorities in our society had seen or experienced a racial incident in the months since the referendum.

In the face of this serious local and global situation, it is appropriate this week to join with others across Europe to celebrate the European-wide Action Week Against Racism.

On Saturday  there was a March Against Racism in London, Glasgow and Cardiff.  On 21 March we mark the International Day for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination.  This day was established in 1960, as a reaction to the murder of 69 anti-apartheid demonstrators in Sharpeville.

 We invite friends of CARJ across England and Wales to organise  simple acts of  witness to our central aim –  working with others of diverse backgrounds to create a more just, more equal, more cooperative society.

Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ)

9 Henry Road

London N4 2LH

020 8802 8080