CARJ works to support people from diverse backgrounds
- We work for the support and empowerment of black and minority ethnic Catholics and to give them an effective voice in the Church and in the wider society.
- We support people from diverse backgrounds in the struggle for a more just and cohesive society.
- We support Black and minority ethnic young people through a Schools Project and Young People’s Forum for World Citizenship.
CARJ works with Catholic Dioceses and Parishes
- To raise awareness of the issues of racial justice and community cohesion.
- To promote reflection, discussion and action.
- To support diocesan and other local racial justice groups.
- To promote network and collaborate with individuals and groups with similar aims.
- To organise the annual celebration of Racial Justice Sunday.
- To raise the CARJ profile in the church and the wider society.
Awareness raising and education for racial justice
- To campaign for awareness raising and education for racial justice to be an integral part of training in Seminaries, Colleges, Schools, Parishes and Catholic organisations.
- To sponsor and publish appropriate research.
- To prepare material (eg publications, audio visual resources, etc) on topical issues relating to racial justice and community cohesion.
- To publish spiritual, liturgical and theological material.
Promotion of spiritual growth and development
- To facilitate the integration of the spiritual, liturgical and theological with the moral and political struggle for justice and cohesion.
- To prepare spiritual, liturgical and theological material.
- To organise prayer, services and retreats.
- To develop ecumenical links and links with other faith communities.
- To respond to requests for advice and support from those who are victims prejudice, discrimination and injustice.