The Papers for CARJ AGM 2024
The CARJ Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 16 November 2024 at 11:00 a.m at St Thomas More Church.
Arrival and registration starts from 10:30 a.m. The business meeting commences promptly at 11:00 a.m. followed by Mass, lunch, and an afternoon of talks on the practical steps to achieving the Racial Justice Agenda for Change.
Food and drink will be available on the day.
Papers for the AGM can be found at the links below:
Names for Nomination to Trustee Board
CARJ DRAFT Accounts 2024 DRAFT001
Membership and Gift Aid Forms 2024.docx
Further information and booking: It is helpful, for catering purposes, to know in advance who is coming. Please contact: Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ), 9 Henry Road, London N4 2LH (020 8802 8080, However, please feel free to turn up on the day even if you have not booked.
Directions: St Thomas More Church is a short walk from Manor House Underground Station. Anyone who is driving has to enter the complex of streets around Henry Rd by turning off Green Lanes into Gloucester Drive.