
CARJ / General / Join us on Thursday 6th July, for the webinar on the Churches role in combatting racism over the past 75 years

Join us on Thursday 6th July, for the webinar on the Churches role in combatting racism over the past 75 years

This is the fourth webinar of six, in the 2023 summer webinar series ‘The Struggle for Racial Justice – Recalling the past and discerning the future.’  This session will cover: efforts by the Churches to promote equality and community, making local churches into welcoming communities, efforts of the hierarchy, church organisations, local churches and schools to promote diversity, equality and community. 

The aim of these webinars is to reflect on the history of the past 75 years and attempt to discern the best ways forward for society and for the Church in the effort to bring about a more just, more equal and more cooperative society. 

We see These Webinars  as a preparation for CARJ’s 40th Anniversary in 2024.

Upcoming Webinars:

Combatting racism – An Agenda for the Future for Britain
Saturday 29 July (10:00 – 11:30)

The Church’s role in the struggle for Racial Justice in the future
Thursday 3 August (7:00 – 8:30)


The Webinars will take place on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.  Each Webinar will last for an hour and a half.   There will be two speakers and ample time for discussion.  Yogi Sutton will Chair the Webinars.  The Webinars are free.  To register for one or more webinars or if you need further information, please contact the CARJ Administrator at   A link will be sent to all who register. The Webinars will be recorded and will be available on the CARJ website until the end of August 2023.

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