
CARJ / General / Sunday is Racial Justice Sunday!

Sunday is Racial Justice Sunday!

Sunday 13th February is Racial Justice Sunday

This year, Racial Justice Sunday will take place on 13 February 2022 for all the Churches in England & Wales. We would encourage CARJ members and friends to promote this event in their parishes.
For Catholics, the theme is “In the Image and Likeness of God” – celebrating different presentations of the Holy Family from different countries and cultures. 

Materials to help parishes celebrate RJS are available on the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales (CBCEW) website.


Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) are celebrating RJS on the same day, but their theme is ‘Racial Justice: What’s it got to do with me?’ CTBI has produced materials at this link: 


The CTBI material includes a ‘reflection’ by Rev Phillip Thomas Sumner, Trustee of the Catholic Association for Racial Justice and Roman Catholic Rural Dean of Oldham and Tameside.
Fr Phil Sumner has also written a prayer that will be broadcast several times in the next two weeks and on Racial Justice Sunday on Premier Christian Radio. He will also be interviewed for 35 mins on Premier Christian Radio sometime between 10-11am on Friday 11th February.

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