
CARJ / General / CARJ Annual General Meeting 2021

CARJ Annual General Meeting 2021

You are Invited to CARJ Annual General Meeting 2021 on Zoom

Sat 6th November 2021 (11:00 – 13:00) 

Theme- Racial Justice and the Debate about terminology

Dear Members and Friends of CARJ

This is to notify you of the CARJ Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will take place on Saturday 6th November 2021 (11:00 – 13:00) by Zoom. Those who wish to attend need to register with the CARJ Administrator at

The morning session of the AGM (11:00 – 12:00) will be the business meeting, with Reports and Election of Trustees.

This will be followed by a Panel and Discussion around the theme – ‘Racial Justice and the Debate about terminology.’

There are now several terms which have, in recent years, entered the dialogue concerning racial justice. But there’s not always agreement on how they should be used or if they are helpful. Recent Government reports or statements (Sewell, Halfon, Badenoch) have referred to some of them (Institutional Racism, White privilege, Microaggressions, Critical Race Theory etc) either to restrict their meaning or to reject their validity. The AGM, this year, will explore some of these terms and their use in Government reports or statements to enable our members to decide for themselves.

Papers for the AGM will be available on the CARJ website – from Friday 22nd October. These papers include:

  • A Programme for the AGM
  • CARJ Annual Report and Draft Financial Statement.
  • Papers relating to election of Trustees.
  • Membership application forms
  • AGM 2020 Minutes
  • Any other relevant papers

If for any reason you would like to have hard copies of these papers, please contact the Administrator on and we will be very happy to send them to you.

This is a great time to Join CARJ by becoming a member

Only members of CARJ can vote at the business meeting, but anyone interested in CARJ is welcome to attend and participate. There is no charge for attendance.

For Membership information, contact CARJ at

You must register to be sent a link (a few days before the AGM) to participate by Zoom.

I hope to see you on the day.

Yours sincerely
Yogi Sutton
Chair Person

Business of Annual General Meeting- 11:00 – 12:00
Racial Justice and the Debate about Terminology-12:00 – 1:00pm

Further information and registration: please contact: Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ) at

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