
CARJ / General / Invitation – Doing Justice: A Service of Reflection on the Anniversary of the murder of George Floyd

Invitation – Doing Justice: A Service of Reflection on the Anniversary of the murder of George Floyd

You are invited to this special service broadcast of ‘Doing Justice: A Service of Reflection on the Anniversary of the murder of George Floyd’ taking place next Tuesday 25 May 2021, 7pm via Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’s (CTBI) YouTube channel.  Full details are attached.

This ecumenical service, hosting senior church leaders and local Christians, will remember the tragic death of Mr Floyd, as well as challenging churches and communities in Britain and Ireland to stand up for justice, and against racism, ignorance, and hatred.

This broadcast is open to all.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact or Richard Reddie, CTBI’s Director of Justice and Inclusion.



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