
CARJ / General / Workshops on Diversity, Inequality and Racism in the UK

Workshops on Diversity, Inequality and Racism in the UK

Diversity, Inequality and Racism in the UK – A Challenge for Catholic Education

This Series of Workshops for School Chaplains, Teachers and others interested in Catholic Education, has been organised by the Catholic Association for Racial Justice with support from CAFOD’s Development Education Fund.  The Workshops will attempt to relate key issues to the life of the school.  They will be informative, participative and practical, and  will provide a safe space for raising sensitive questions and concerns.  All are welcome.


  1. Diversity, Inequality and Racism in the UK – A Challenge for Catholic Education.  Wednesday 23 Sept 2020 (3:30 – 5:00)

The Workshop will begin with an opportunity for participants to discuss their hopes, questions and concerns in the light of the pandemic, the death of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter.   We will go on to explore some of the challenges currently facing Catholic schools and some interesting attempts to address these challenges.  The Session will conclude with a brief explanation of issues to be discussed in future workshops.


  1. The history of Britain as a diverse society. Thursday 15 Oct 2020 (3:30 – 5:00)

Participants will have an opportunity to share their own reflections on British History as it is taught in school and learned by students of diverse backgrounds.  A presentation will consider the history of Colonialism and Empire.  The Workshop will conclude with a discussion of the centuries-long and often untold history of Black People in the UK, highlighting key figures in that history and recalling important events like Windrush.


  1. Resources for Black History, Black Literature, Social Studies and Religious Education Tuesday 3 Nov 2020 (3:30 – 5:00)

The Workshop will begin with the presentation of a recently published CARJ Reading List.  We will go on to consider key areas of the curriculum.   Black History will consider how this history might be incorporated in the curriculum and the life of the school.  Black Literature will focus on a few black authors and recommended books by those authors.  Social Studies will look briefly at the recently published Ethnicity, Race and Inequality in the UK: State of the Nation (Runnymede 2020)Religious Education will include a reflection on the Gospel, Catholic Social Thought and other Faiths.  The Workshop will conclude with a discussion of how the whole curriculum might reflect the diversity of British society.


  1. Cultural Awareness and the Evolving language of Racism and Racial Justice. Wednesday 25 Nov 2020 (3:30 – 5:00)

Participants will reflect on their experience of how cultural awareness or its absence can affect the atmosphere in a school.  Are Black children more likely to be excluded?  Have they been targeted for hair styles and other cultural practices?  We will go on to discuss emerging terminology  – eg ‘micro aggressions’, ‘unconscious bias’, ‘white privilege etc.  Some of the terminology relates to fundamental issues like ‘institutional racism’ which will be explored in some depth.


  1. Ethnicity, Identity and Belonging. Thursday 7 January 2021 (3:30 – 5:00)

This Workshop will begin with an opportunity for participants to discuss the complexity of ‘identity’ (ethnic, religious, class, gender, etc) and to explore their own sense of identity.   We will go on to discuss how students from diverse backgrounds in our schools see themselves and how others see them.    Are students happy with a hyphenated identity?  Is identity important to them?  Do they feel alienated or marginalised?  Do all students feel they belong and do they see one another as members of the same community?


  1. The life of the School. Wednesday 27 Jan 2021  (3:30 – 5:00)

This final Workshop will discuss the usefulness of a school race equality audit, which might cover: policy, leadership, appointments, training, remuneration, promotion, regulations, curriculum, books in the library, etc.  The remaining part of the Session will give participants an opportunity to reflect on the workshops and some of the thoughts, hopes and plans they will take away with them.


For further information and to register for the Series or for individual Workshops please contact CARJ, 9 Henry Rd, London N4 2LH.  020 8802 8080.  All those who register will be acknowledged and will be sent a link a few days prior to the event.  Participation is free of charge.

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