
CARJ / General / Reports from CARJ AGM and Belonging Conference

Reports from CARJ AGM and Belonging Conference

CARJ recently held a conference on belonging in Birmingham on Oct 16th, it also held the Annual General Meeting on 2nd Nov 2019. The Conference was an opportunity for Catholics from across England and Wales to share ideas and experience on how we can help new and marginalised groups feel they truly ‘belong’ in UK society. Representatives from fifteen dioceses, various CARJ networks and other Catholic organisations attended.

The day began with a brief historical reflection. For the past twenty years, the Government has been wrestling with the question of how we best promote ‘integration and cohesion’. Most recently there was the Casey Review and the Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper. The Conference on ‘Belonging’ is part of that wider discussion. The report is at this link here

CARJ Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Saturday 2nd November 2019. CARJ turned 35 this year and the AGM marked this event with a Mass and an afternoon event of rich conversation. We have produced a brief report on the afternoon events titled ‘Looking Back Reflectively in order to Move Forward in Hope’
Please find a copy at the link here

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