
CARJ / General / Election of CARJ Trustees

Election of CARJ Trustees

3 November 2018

Yogi Sutton and Nikki Petch (as officers) have two more years in post

Porsha was elected Treasurer but then resigned.
Sue Smailes is stepping down as Secretary
So there will be vacancies in the posts of Secretary and Treasurer

Deacon Joseph is stepping down as a Trustee and has been nominated by the Trustees as Treasurer and has agreed to stand

Richard Zipfel is stepping down as a Trustee and has been nominated by the Trustees as Secretary and has agreed to stand.

Suddie Komba-Kono has been nominated by the Trustees and has accepted the nomination.

Malcolm Forster has been nominated as a Trustee and has accepted the nomination

Fr Phil Sumner and Melvin Lyons have two more years as Trustees. Protasia Torkington continues as a Trustee.


Trustees suggest that any other nominations be forwarded to the Trustees to be considered for co-option at their first meeting in 2019.

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