
CARJ / General / CARJ Briefing – Prohibiting Caste Discrimination in the UK

CARJ Briefing – Prohibiting Caste Discrimination in the UK

For some years, there has been a growing awareness of caste discrimination among diaspora communities in the UK. In the year 2000, a paper on ‘Caste in Britain’ was presented at an international conference in London organised by Voice of Dalit International (VODI).

In 2004, a community organisation called Castewatch UK was formed and provided leadership in the campaign against caste discrimination in the UK.

In 2006 Dalit Solidarity Network UK released a report – ‘No Escape’ – which discussed caste discriminatory practices and prompted UK Parliamentarians to launch attempts to make caste discrimination illegal in UK. Please read the full briefing CasteDiscriminationUK.CARJBriefingSept2018

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